Optogenetic fMRI Coils

Optogenetic fMRI Coils


Optogenetic functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (ofMRI) is a technique that combines optical activation of the brain with functional MRI. This allows to monitor cell type-specific mapping of functional neural circuits and their dynamics across the whole brain.

The stimulation is achieved through an optical fiber that delivers light of a specific wavelength deep into the brain. This in turn sets the demand for coils that give access for these fibers while still maintaining best possible SNR and brain coverage.

RAPID Biomedical meets this requirement with a set of different coils starting with single channel implantable loops that are connected to a separable coil electronics only for the fMRI. The obvious benefit of these coils are the maximized access to the skull. For better coverage and SNR in deeper brain regions we added quadrature coils as well as 3 channel phased arrays with different openings.

Individually adaptable to the established systems like Bruker, Agilent, Varian and clinical scanners at any field strength.

Please contact us for availability on your NMR system.

No Medical Device! Caution – The use of the devices described above is limited to investigational use on laboratory animals or other tests that do not involve human subjects.


Information über Optogenetic fMRI Coils als PDF .


F. Albers, L. Wachsmuth, T.M.van Alst, C. Faber: Multimodal Functional Neuroimaging by Simultaneous BOLD fMRI and Fiber-Optic Calcium Recordings and Optogenetic Control.
Molecular Imaging and Biology, ISSN 1536-1632, DOI 10.1007/s11307-017-1130-6 (2017)
with RAPID Biomedical 3-channel rat head array P-H03LE-094-01543


RAPID Biomedical GmbH
Kettelerstrasse 3-11
97222 Rimpar

Phone: + 49 (0) 9365 / 88 26 – 0
Fax: + 49 (0) 9365 / 88 26 – 99


For US, Canada and South America please contact our sister company RAPID MR International.
Find information about our strategic partner Fastron Group.

Quelle: https://www.rapidbiomed.de/de/product/optogenetic-fmri-coils/